In 1972 a group of Harley-Davidson riders from Breda and the surrounding areas, decided to form a club. The idea was to ride together and participate in other Harley-Davidson related activities.

This was before the Evolution-engine. Riding a Harley those days involved a certain amount of hands on mechanical work. Having formed the club, this gave a chance to exchange mechanical knowledge, help eachother and eventually exchange parts. In those days the membership was just a few people, most rode a Liberator (the legacy the Americans left after World War II), 1200-side-valves or an occasional Panhead. Slowly the newer models began to be seen in the club.


The club organized rally's and visits to rally's organized by other clubs, both national and international. To this day the clubs members still visit these rally's and have close ties and friendships in many clubs both in The Netherlands and in other countries.

From 1972 until 1978 the club organized an international rally in a small place in the south of Holland, called Ulicoten. At a certain point the amount of visitors was 1300, more than the European Super Rally.


Because of the large amount of visitors and the relatively small club, it was decided to hold the rally on a base of personal invitation only. Since this time the rally’s of H-DC Breda have been held in several small places in the south of Holland and in Belgium (Wortel, Castelré, Beerse, Meer and Hoogstraten). Always a fun and friendly event.

The club also organizes a winterparty in February. There you will get a good, warm meal before the evening entertainment and a souvenir of your visit.

Apart from these events the club organizes club parties, club evenings, tour weekends, an opening-of-the-season ride in spring and the famous Pea Soup ride at the end of the season. So to put it shortly: H-DC Breda is a very active club of about 90 members who are always willing to participate in the events and help organize and run them. There is a very good club spirit.


The club is a member of the Federation of European Harley-Davidson Clubs (FH-DCE), an organization which coordinates the European Super Rally, held each year on the Whitsuntide weekend in a different European country.

The federation also stays in contact with the Harley-Davidson Company in Europe and the USA.